
Showing posts from August, 2016

Thank You For The Breakup.

Often times we're thankful for a lot of things but never thankful for a breakup. Yep! Sometimes we just have to be thankful for a breakup. You see because we're blinded by our feelings for our ex, we want to be a part of them regardless of how they feel about us or how they make us feel, we belittle ourselves  do  all sorts of crazy things just to be with them and sadly we ignore how they treat us. The desperation to be a part of them totally blinds us from seeing the blessings in their exit.  When you reflect on your experiences with your ex trust me you'll have a lot to be thankful for.  You have to understand that it's not all break ups that are bad, it's not everyone you lose that's a  loss, some just needs to be kicked to the curb.            laughter comes after the tears. You see, when you go through the process of hurting after a breakup you'll be thankful that  * You left o...