It's 15th February -------------- Did You Die?

It's 15th February and I presume the whole Valentine's day bruhaha is over. Now let me use this opportunity to make common sense.  

I spent the whole of yesterday on facebook and I know for a fact that it was crazy. Different Val updates, pictures of lovers, Val gifts etc was just popping up on my timeline, sad updates popped up too but one actually stood out ‎. Personally I feel the lady should be given an award for having the most depressing posts on Zuckerville on Valentine's day. 
Wow! From her updates it was clear that she was depressed for not  having a partner to celebrate Val's day with, even one of her posts ended with " I hope I have a man this time next year to celebrate Val with". ( My dear I join in your prayers, you must have a man next year to celebrate Val with). 

My take on spending Val alone (single). 

•Your friends got expensive gifts on Val's day and you got nothing. ---- Did you die?

• Your friends went out on romantic dates and you were home alone ---- Did you die? 

• Pictures of cakes, flowers. Perfumes chocolates etc, popped up on your facebook timeline and you had nothing to post ---- Did you die? 

• Some people even got engaged on Valentine's day and you're not even in a relationship ---- Did you die? 

• Some of your friends went on Valentine trip and you were home alone watching telemundo and Africa Magic ---- Did you die? 

• Bottomline people around you had fun  on vals day and you didn't  ---- Did you die? 

Nope you didn't die and Val's day is over get over it.

happy val from me

Spending Valentine's day alone does not make you worthless or unimportant, so you don't have any reason to be sad or depressed that you were alone on Val's day. 

Let me state here that it's not all who celebrated val's day enjoyed it, some were compelled to celebrate it, while some celebrated val's day because they feel it's the right thing to do with their partner

Valentine's day is not a do or die affair it's a day to show love (so I heard) .  so use the day to show love to you. If you have someone special to spend that day with, fine! If you don't you can make the best out of that day instead of sulking at home . 

Being single doesn’t mean that you should find valentine's day a depressing occasion, Val's day can also be a day to spoil yourself silly. 

Stop feeling sorry for yourself that you don't have a partner for val's day. You need a partner not just for val's day but for every other day. Love is a continuous affair. 

So when you find yourself alone on val's day, spoil yourself silly have fun you'll enjoy it


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