Dealing With The Sin Factor.

It's a tradition in my church to set some days apart every new year to fast and pray committing the new year and our ways to God. This year is no exception. We're having a 21 days fasting and prayers captioned "The Ultimate Experience ".
Ministers from other churches were invited to be part of the program.  
Today's guest speaker ( Evangelist Eli Andrew) took me down memory lane he talked about something that many preachers have stopped preaching about. "SIN". 
I can't remember the last time I went to a church and the minister took his time to preach about sin‎. 
All you hear is cast and bind, back to sender, die by fire, spiritual  husband/wife, you must marry this year, prosperity and lots more. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying that one should not pray about his enemies or pray for prosperity all I'm saying is ministers should hammer more on sin so evil can reduce in our society. Truthfully God talked more about " Holiness".
He took his text from the book of Mathew chapter 9 verse 2 to 8. 
From the text he talked about a man that was paralyzed and was brought to Jesus by his friends. Jesus dealt with the sins of the man before healing the man. 

The preacher said there is nothing God can not do but sin hinders God from answering our prayers. 
He said God desires to move in our lives but sin stops God from working in our lives. He said holding on to certain sin will hinder God from answering our prayers therefore we need to deal with the sin factor in our lives. 

He told us a story of a woman seeking for the fruit of the womb but couldn't conceive because she was filled with bitterness and unforgiveness . The Lord asked him to tell the woman to get rid of bitterness and unforgiveness else she will not conceive.  

Furthermore he said if we don't deal with the sin factor all we are doing is starving and prayers and not fasting and prayers.  

He said Achan's disobedience  to God's word brought death to the Israelites  ‎in the Bible. 

He said sin makes us vulnerable and powerless for the enemy to strike, sin makes us toys in the hands of the devil. 

He said God is delighted in our prosperity God is not a kill joy that is always frowning looking for who to kill. He said God wants his children to humble themselves and pray and turn from their sinful ways. 

He advised the church to deal with the sin factor, live in holiness and walk in dominion. He acknowledged that it's not easy to live a holy life but he asked us to go to God acknowledge that we are sinners ask God to help us and deliver us from sin and begin to enjoy fellowship with God. 

I was totally blessed by this message and I advice ministers to take time to teach their members about sin and it's consequences whether we like it or not God has called us into holiness and we must be holy. 



  1. My dear,if you know of Spiritual Judgments,you will dread Sin.Mostly if you are use to the binding and casting of demons.

    In building my spiritual life I noticed one's sin can speak against one spiritually.Satan is indeed the accuser of the brethren,But thank God for mercy.
    I don't joke with mercy prayers,cause I understand better.Psalm 51 and psalm 6 are always my psalms.Yet one needs strive to live well.

    Once I was lying down and then a force came to take me away.After it has accused me of some acts,quoting the wages of sin is death etc.I found myself saying clearly that I am going no where,cos I still have a mission to fulfill on earth.Instantly I started praying for mercy Spiritually and while I was still on mercy prayer,the Spirit left and never returned.
    When I got up that night,I knew how important Confession and mercy prayer was over sin.No matter how little you think it is.

    Imagine if my spirit was taken away that night,what would have become of me?Maybe by morning the body would have been Cold and it will be"She died in her Sleep".Not knowing its leaving for hell.Yes! I was told where I would have gone to.Hell.Just for a Sinful Relationship.Which is one reason I strive to be free from fornication.

    Grace differs,yet God's children are the most judged.If anyone be for him,such person must be very careful and also quick to ask for mercy when he or she err.Less delay can be dangerous and dwelling in sin for long is far Dangerous.

  2. Awesome comment Vickie. God called us into Holiness therefore we should be holy.


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