Dealing With Disrespectful People.

Everyone deserves to be respected in any form of relationship be it romantic, casual, even relationship ‎with family members. I've come to realise that one of the reasons why people consider leaving or ends a relationship is due to disrespect some people just can't stand to be disrespected. Respect is a necessary element for any relationship to grow so it's important to feel respected in a relationship.  
It's rather unfortunate that most people that are held in high esteem in relationships are the most disrespectful ones. It's really sad that folks takes advantage of the ones that actually cares for them and that's very disrespectful of the other. 
Personally I believe that folks should set‎ boundaries in relationships that should be respected and not be crossed by both parties.  
I remember as a teenager when we used to write and receive " Love letters " one question asked then was " what are your likes and dislikes" lol. Looking at it now it makes so much sense, it's really important to know the dislikes of the other so you'll make a conscious effort not to cross that line.  
Someone treating you with respect is not doing you a favour or treating you in a special way, infact it's your right to be respected.  
Folks in any form of relationship should have an understanding, I believe that where knowing ones dislikes comes in. 
Then again if you feel disrespected in a relationship you need to speak up, you need to be heard the other person needs to know that they're being disrespectful to you‎, because most times they don't do it intentionally so they need to hear and change. You don't need to be rude when speaking up, do it nicely. If they don't change walk away gracefully don't allow anyone feel comfortable disrespecting you. 
Then again you ought to respect others too, don't ask for what you're not giving.  



  1. Respect its reciprocal...

  2. I have said it before that love is not enough for me. Respect plus love is the highest.

    1. one can't love and disrespects you it doesn't work that way.

  3. It's not possible to disrespect the one you love. When you love love someone respect is one of the ways of showing it I believe. And as Vikky said respect is reciprocal. But respect starts with yourself you can only respect others when you have respect for yourself.

  4. It's not possible to disrespect the one you love. When you love love someone respect is one of the ways of showing it I believe. And as Vikky said respect is reciprocal. But respect starts with yourself you can only respect others when you have respect for yourself.


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