Welcome to my blog, Wow!!!! It feels good saying "my blog"! 
I know that I am nervous and excited at the same time, but nothing can be compared to the joy that I am feeling right now. Words cannot explain my feeling of accomplishment. I honestly can't believe that I am starting my own blog, it's like a dream, somebody should just pinch me. Lol!! Before I bore you guys with my excitement and the phrase "my blog" let me share the reason for this excitement. 
Over the years  my friends have asked me  why I am not blogging  and the answer I always gave them was that I am not a good writer neither am I a grammarian. I always see myself as not having what it takes to be a blogger. 
The more I thought about blogging, the more I loved the idea but what to write or how to put my thoughts in writing has always been my major fear so i've always shoved the idea of blogging aside.  My friends will always say to me  "Chika you're doing great on facebook why not blog you'll do well". I  always laughed it off because being crazy and naughty on facebook is way different from blogging. It's so funny that my friends believed in me even when I didn't believe in myself because of fear. The truth is when you give into fear it will begin to dictate how your life will go. It will start running your life for you thereby stealing your peace of mind, joy, sleep‎, dreams and cause you not have a sense of accomplishment. 
It becomes a major setback in your life. 
If you want to know true happiness and accomplishment ‎you have to face your fears. Let the fear of embarrassing yourself or looking silly before people not stop you from realising your dreams. You'll have a sense of fulfilment when you try and fail than not trying at all. 
Today i've decided to face my fears, today i've decided to start blogging.  I don't know what the future holds, I pray that my future as a blogger will be bright, but one thing  I am glad  I did is that I finally faced my fear of blogging. 
Welcome to Chixy'sCorner.


  1. Way to go girl congratulations.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. There you goooooooooooooo babe! ...xoxo #congratsLuv

  4. Congrats Chixy! All d best!

  5. Congrats Chixy! All d best!

  6. I hope I ll be featured here o. Congrats sis, I'm solidly behind you. Infact I be ya co-blogger or assistant blogger, any1. Lol.

  7. Thumbs up Big Sis! We are Super Duper PROUD OF YOU! May the Lord crown your efforts with unparalleled success IJN, Amen!

  8. thanks guys i really appreciate y'all

  9. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Chixy. Taking it to the next level. Nice one

  10. IM HERE AT LAST OPE O MEA how una dey lol

  11. Very good and outstanding topic. Something we all have to hear and deal with. Thanks for sharing.

  12. Very good and outstanding topic. Something we all have to hear and deal with. Thanks for sharing.

  13. Thank you very much Pastor Cee

  14. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Finally I can now comment as Anonymous. Hehehe!

  15. Yes! You can do it. Greater heights ahead!


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