‎Beauty Fades.

Few days ago I went to Everyday supermarket at GRA to get some stuffs, as we drove pass where they sell chicken, I saw a lady that used to live on my street, first of all I was surprised to see her because it's been ages, and then again I was staring at her face and was wondering what went wrong. This lady used to be one of the prettiest ladies on my street, smooth skin, fine legs and all. Every man wanted this lady at the time. There was a particular guy that did everything he could to get her but didn't and I'm in front of her and I'm thinking if that guy sees her now he won't even give her a second look. One thing I liked about her  then was her personality she was a very sweet and cheerful lady. I looked at this lady and was wondering why she's not beautiful anymore. A lot of questions went through my mind at the time. Was she sick? Is she married? If yes is she married to a monster or is she Divorced? Did she lose her job? Then It hit me regardless of how much we pay attention to our looks beauty fades. 
Funny how people depend on their looks to get them through life and are not bothered to make their personalities ‎as attractive as their looks. Being cute is good but being cute won't get you far in life. Someone's attractiveness can be drastically improved by a great personality and drastically reduced by a terrible one.  

Looks are so irrelevant to life, looks won't get you through life but your personality would.
Looks can't even save you from death. Death won't come to you and say, hey! You're pretty I won't kill you. If that's the case pretty people won't die.
No good personality can be ruined by a socially "unattractive " face.
Yes! Looks are one of those important features we look out for in a person but looks can be deceptive because behind that pretty face is a monster ready to devour you. 


There's absolutely nothing wrong with you paying attention to your looks, there's really nothing wrong with being attractive, but there's everything wrong with you ignoring your personality because that is who you are. 

Your personality really matters because looks fades and change easily but a good perso‎nality will forever get you through life.  
Then again what happens when you're old and wrinkled when you don't have your looks to work for you anymore?  

Know this a pretty face with an ugly personality is very unattractive.


  1. Tamunoidikibugerere David9:28 AM

    Hmmmmmmmmmm...... Well i don't c anything wrong with paying attention to looks and all what I don't like is going all out,to the extent of damaging the skin. Sure beauty fades but inner beauty last forever... I'm glad I'm beautiful both inside and outside

  2. Well beauty is in the eye of the beholder or so they say lol mind you beauty can be enhanced through plastic surgery and even make up these days but beauty within is a thing of beauty.

  3. Well beauty is in the eye of the beholder or so they say lol mind you beauty can be enhanced through plastic surgery and even make up these days but beauty within is a thing of beauty.

  4. He made everything beautiful.

  5. Chika's gossip mode activated


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