‎I'm not Ugly i'm not too fine i'm just okay. Ha!!

‎I'm not Ugly i'm not too fine i'm just okay. Ha!!
Few days ago I was joking around with my teenage cousin that came to spend few days with us. She's a very cheerful girl, it's hard to see her frown. I enjoy yabbing her because no matter how you yab her she'll laugh and say I agree or I'll go and report you to grand ma. I tried to get her to frown with my yabs but she kept laughing really hard, it was fun until I called her Ugly girl. She frowned for a few seconds and then smiled and said. I'm not ugly I'm not too fine I'm just okay. Ha! I was taken aback. I asked her if she was joking she said no. Then she said Mamah most people say I'm fine while others say I'm ugly, even you just called me ugly now and people make fun of my height. So I'm not ugly I'm not too fine I'm just okay. ‎I felt very bad at the time I didn't even want her to see how pained I was so I told her to sit and we had a little heart to heart talk. I made her understand that those people calling her ugly are ugly inside out, they are intimidated by her that's why they're trying to bring her down. They hate the fact that she's very intelligent that's why they're trying to make her feel insecure. Truth is those people want to be like her because they can't that's why they are calling her ugly and she should not define herself by what an insecure person calls her. I made her understand that it's only insecure people that puts others down.  After our talk she left my room, happy, beautiful and very tall.  

Let me point out that we all have insecurities we have areas of our body in which we are not confident, all we need to do is to fight our insecurities and get over it. 
Sadly most people are so insecure that instead of dealing with their insecurities they turn to attack dogs they try to bring others down to cover their flaws, because they're hurting inside they look for different ways to hurt and manipulate others emotionally. 

You'll be surprised to know that these people are intimidated by your personality they want to be like you, and because they can't be like you they begin to fight you. 

The funny thing is while they are busy searching your closet to find stuffs to bring you down they left their own closets open and their own skeletons started falling down. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. What an irony. Smh! 

Don't give yourself a name that God has not given you. Don't define yourself by what an insecure person calls you.
You have to understand that these people are fighting their own demons. They are seeking acceptance by others and the only way they can do that is to put others down. 
What part of your creation did he/she  take part in that they have to define who you are? Then again are you the one that created yourself? Accept yourself the way you are and ignore insecure people. You're beautiful and no one has the right to say otherwise. When someone tries to put you down always know that it's insecurity at work. 

These are traits of an insecure person. 

• an insecure person always looks for fault in others they have nothing good to say about others. 

• An‎ insecure person is a name caller, they like calling others names, like ugly, you're a low class and bla bla bla. 

• An insecure person brags a lot. They brag about everything from career, to relationships, achievements and all. 

• An insecure person never sees any good in another's success. 

• An insecure person tries too hard to be noticed by others 
• An insecure person tries to reduce your fan club. They tell your friends awful things about you, they work really hard to make sure that you're hated by others. 

• An insecure person makes fun of people they're better than. 

• An insecure person enjoys the struggles of others. 

• An insecure person define others by their past mistakes they always rub it in because they enjoy when others are sad. 

• Above all an insecure person makes others feel small so they can stand tall. 

Don't give into their schemes they feel worse than you do.


  1. On Point! People's Opinion About You Dosn't Matter! Most Of Them Are So Envous About Your Pose. DO Not Give in To Their Opinions. Let The Burden Of Proof Be Unto You By Being Yourself.


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