It's my body not yours. Deal with it.


I was watching an episode of Keeping up with the kardashians where Kylie Jenner admitted to using temporary lip fillers to make her lips bigger, she said " I have temporary lip fillers" it's just an insecurity of mine. 

It's funny how people have made fun of certain parts of our body that we become too conscious of that part of the body. We end up being insecure of our bodies.  

Nearly everyone feels insecure about their bodies at some point in their lives. Some claim to be too fat, others too skinny, big nose, small nose, tiny legs, fat legs, kangaroo pouch, thick lips, almost invincible lips and so on. 

With dolls like Barbie, Victoria Secret models as example of perfect bodies everyone especially women wants to have a perfect body because many women suffer from negative body image and then begin to lose confidence in themselves.  

I've been reading about how to deal with body insecurities because I have mine too and I need to get over it and move on. 

These are some of the tips I got. 

• Learn to adore your body, you just have to look beyond your flaws and love your body just the way it is. You have to see the beauty in you first before others.

•‎. If you're overweight and you're insecure deal with it, hit the gym and try to lose some weight. 

• know that your abnormal body part ( your words not mine lol) does not define who you are.

• ‎ You just have to accept the body part you're not comfortable with. Acknowledge the fact that it's part of your body, it's not what you want but hey! It's here it's part of me and i'm fine. 

• Try not to compare yourself with others, they might be dealing with their insecurities too. I follow the kardashians and I know a lot of people want to have their kind of body but reality check---- the kardashians have their own body insecurities too. 

• Focus on other parts of your body. You have good body parts to appreciate. Concentrate on them.

•‎ Build your confidence and your self Esteem. If you focus on your body insecurities it will drop your confidence and self esteem to Zero. Focus on the body parts you really love. 

• Above all surround yourself with people who sincerely make you feel good with yourself. Stay away from people who make you feel insecure.

PS-- Love yourself Just the way you are, God made you the way you and he loves you the way you are


  1. Well said we all have parts of out body we don't like or wish was different. But the key thing is to know you are not alone in this. I have never asked a woman/girl which part of your body do you detest and they said none. THE KEY THING IS NO ONE IS PERFECT.
    I know mine it's my xxxxxx (somethings a girl just have to yourself lol ) just find a way to deal with if you can't do anything about it. We are all beautiful.

  2. Well said we all have parts of out body we don't like or wish was different. But the key thing is to know you are not alone in this. I have never asked a woman/girl which part of your body do you detest and they said none. THE KEY THING IS NO ONE IS PERFECT.
    I know mine it's my xxxxxx (somethings a girl just have to yourself lol ) just find a way to deal with if you can't do anything about it. We are all beautiful.


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