We live in a world where we have to deal with haters everyday. Regardless of  what we do or how we live, Know this if you have haters we can never please them. 

                     Urban dictionary defines a hater as 
                                                                            a person that simply cannot be happy for another's 
                                                                            success. So rather than be happy they make a point 
                                                                            of exposing a flaw of that person. 

A hater can be anyone, they come in different shapes and sizes. A hater can be your 

• Boss

• A colleague 

• A lecturer 

• A neighbour 

•  A tenant 

•  A family member 

 • A friend

• your peer

• Your landlord. The list is just endless.  

Haters feel very insecure and inferior but come across as superior. If you appear to be capable of doings things they cannot do you automatically become their target. If you appear stronger than them they begin to fight you. They hate you even more if you a strong personality.

It's not everyone you surround yourself with will be genuinely happy for you or your achievements. They will never celebrate your success. They'll always be the first to point out the flaws in your achievements.  You can never do anything to be in their good book.
                                             They spread lies about you.
How to spot a hater.

• They bad mouth you. They never say anything good about you. They never spread any good news about you because they want others to hate you. 

• ‎They always discourage you. Remember a hater wants you to fail so others can laugh at you. So they discourage you from doing things that'll cause you to succeed.  

• Attention seeker. They have no regards for your feelings. When you go out with one they want all the attention to be on them. They'll try all their best to make sure the spotlight is on them and not you and they will do anything to be in the spotlight even when they're hurting you in the process.  

• They are always happy when you fail. 

• They are happy when you're or happy or faced with difficulties.  

• They are eager to spread gossips and lies about you. 

                                             They hate it when you succeed.
• They will try their best to pull you down. 

• They are jealous of you. 

• They never contact you when something good happens to you. 

• They silently wait for you to fall, your downfall is the beginning of their happiness. You need to be smart to observe this trait‎. Listen to the words that comes out of their mouth, you'll be shocked.

The truth is if someone around you have one or more of these traits that person is your Hater and you need to handle them before they harm you consciously or unconsciously.  Avoid that person or completely cut them out.

You don't need to get into any fight with them because they want to bring you down to their level. Remember it's inferiority complex that is driving them to throw shades at you. The only way they'll feel superior is to bring you down. So don't let them.

Realise that it's not about you but them and the need to feel superior. So ignore everything they do to you and stay very far away from them, don't give them the satisfaction of going down to their level. 

Live your life like it's only you in this world and ignore haters, because whatever you do, "haters gonna hate".


  1. So true equation has to be balanced though lol I know people love me that means there are people who will hate me.
    I have people that love me despite my failures and faults so that means there are people that will hate me no matter how nice I am and how well I do.

    There can never be light without shadow so I ignore them as I ignore shadows and like you said keep them at a distance but not too far as I need them to keep seeing my success and sometimes when they try to discourage you can be the best comedy. And also the my little mischievous side love the look on their faces when I achieve something lol

  2. So true equation has to be balanced though lol I know people love me that means there are people who will hate me.
    I have people that love me despite my failures and faults so that means there are people that will hate me no matter how nice I am and how well I do.

    There can never be light without shadow so I ignore them as I ignore shadows and like you said keep them at a distance but not too far as I need them to keep seeing my success and sometimes when they try to discourage you can be the best comedy. And also the my little mischievous side love the look on their faces when I achieve something lol

  3. Honestly, I Don't Really Mind If Their Ctriticism Is Constructive. I Do Welcome Every Constructive Criticism Because Nobody Is A Fontain Of Knowledge, Being Able To Handle My Unsuppprting Fans Haters, Friends, Relatives, Neigbours Is The Begining Of Wisdow. After all, There Is at his Saying " The Secret Of Failire Is When You Try To Satisfy Everyone. Our Lord Jesus Christ Was Not Loved By Alll, So Who Am I To Complain .

  4. Haters will always hate

  5. If there is good there is also bad. Haters are all everywhere, just be careful.

  6. I know they exist but i never acknowledge that i have haters, that would be giving them undue relevance.

  7. funny you cant help but to know they are meant to be there to improve you. Just know it.


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