I  know that when I mention the word Superwoman, our minds immediately goes to that fictional character wearing a cape with supernatural powers to do extra ordinary things. She's
• Super sexy 
• Super smart
• super fast ( she can fly from Nigeria to America in her cape to get you a cupcake)
‎She's Super everything you can think of. Plus she fights villains strips them of their super powers and throws them in jail. I'm not talking about that super woman because she's just a "Super script". 

The woman i'm talking about is not a fictional character with super powers. She's the real life " Super Woman"

She's  a 

• Prayer warrior / Pastor

• Cook/ baker

• Shoe Maker

• ‎Doctor 

‎•  Referee 

• Supervisor 

• Pooty trainer 

• Gardner 

• Maid/nanny

• ‎Career Woman

• Life guard

 • Police 

• Tailor 

• body guard 

• Lawyer

• Miss feel good ( she makes her kids feel good when others brings them down)

• Hair dresser

• Barber 

• Fashion police 

• Driver

• ‎An event planner .  She's all that and lots more. 

This woman takes on multiple roles without getting paid, this woman is pushed to her limits yet she carries on. This woman is a real life Super Hero she's  " Super Mom"

I know a lot of Super Moms out there.


  1. Nne, Every Woman Is A Super Woman, Be You Single Or Married! While Single, You Do A Lot Of Stuff For Your Boy Friend, Not Minding If The Relationship Will Lead Both Of You To The Altar. Even When Married, You Can Still Be A Single-Married-Super-Woman And Mum! I Pray May Our Toil Never Ne In Vain In Jesus Name! We Are All Phenominal In Our Unique Ways.

  2. Aww thank you dear I didn't know I was superwoman will try flying tomorrow lol.

    We women are blessed with the strength, endurance etc. I thank God everyday I am a mother as being a mother makes me a better person. Less selfish lol.

    Kudos to all the super women in the world especially those with nothing who strive everyday to provide.

    As the song goes sometimes it's hard to be a woman.......

  3. Aww thank you dear I didn't know I was superwoman will try flying tomorrow lol.

    We women are blessed with the strength, endurance etc. I thank God everyday I am a mother as being a mother makes me a better person. Less selfish lol.

    Kudos to all the super women in the world especially those with nothing who strive everyday to provide.

    As the song goes sometimes it's hard to be a woman.......


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