My testimony. Happy Birthday to me.

chilling with my world.
 With a grateful heart  to God I celebrate my birthday today. The fact that I'm alive to celebrate my birthday is something I can never stop thanking God for. I've been up since 2 am a lot going through my mind the devil wanted to give me reasons not to celebrate today but God gave me a bigger reason to celebrate today. The fact that I'm alive and well to celebrate today with My family, uncle Austin, aunt Meg and my friends is a big blow to the devil. 
the devil has nothing me.
 I had a near death experience around November last year, I was very sick
  to the  point of death, I was getting ready for  church on a Sunday morning, I started having serious palpitations, I was feeling woozy  everything went wrong in my body my sister had to call the doctor. I remember going to my doctor for check up and after check up he said it's like your heart is a little bit enlarged, no one can imagine my fear at the time, at that point my world came crashing before my very eyes. Then I asked him if I was going to die and he said to me that a lot of people are living with heart condition that it's something they can handle. He wrote something on a paper and directed me to a lab  for further examination
the devil can't stop my shine.
 See test nah! From ECG to Xray, I can't remember all the test.
The fact that the doctor said it's like my heart is a little bit enlarged messed me up psychologically, so I became very sick with the thought of death tormenting me. Estelle Nnanna Kalu Uriem and Magdalene Pwakandi Ikon were the only friends that knew I was sick though Estelle was far but she was calling me like I was her patient ( quack doctor lol) I remember Mag telling babes you know who you are, you can pray, Just pray, nothing will happen to you, you'll be fine. My thoughts were about Kachi, " if I die now what will happen to Kachi".
 I know that Kachi will be in good hands because he's loved by my family but we have a great bond there's no me without Kachi and there's no Kachi without me and we can't stay without each other . I remember talking to my sister Oge over the phone about the doctor's diagnosis Kachi was in the room with me watching a movie, I felt he's mind was on the movie he was watching until her heard me telling Oge that the doctor suspects   my heart is a little bit enlarged. Kachi said Mamah your heart?
sticking out my tongue for the devil.
Then he started crying first of all I didn't want him to know what was going on, so I told him I was fine. My family was awesome everyone  took care of me like I was a baby. Then I turned to God I started praying, I prayed to a point that I said God don't look at my sins but look at Kachi and Heal me. Prior to that time we were having a prayer meeting in my house and the pastor prayed for me, then he said I don't know why God said I should pray for your heart then he prayed for my heart. I didn't know what was ahead of me but God knew and took control before it started.
I am so special.
The fear I had was enough to kill me considering all the test. I lost so much weight some people thought it was due to workout but dem no know how far. D day came I was afraid to go for my     results my mum said I should go get it, even if there was something wrong with me God will change it. Nothing can be compared to a mother's prayer, my mum didn't relent to pray for me. I got my results and went back to my doctor he opened it and the look on his face scared me, I said this is it I dun dey die. #lmao.
glowing with pride.
Psychological torment is worse than demonic torment. Then he spoke up and said your heart is perfect you're ok, then he looked at the other results he said there are irregularities here ( he told me what's up) and then said they can be corrected through exercise and proper diet. Chai,
I am God's masterpiece.
ha!as the doctor just  say your heart is perfect I just well one hand. I left the hospital without a pill that day. My mouth start to sharp again ooo.  If I have mouth all over my body it won't be enough to say thank you God. The fact that I'm alive and well celebrating my 16th birthday with my 12 year old son lol! is amazing. I may not be where I want to be but I am not where I used to be and I know God is taking me somewhere.  Happy birthday to me.


  1. Wow u have left me speechless! Thank God for you and your life! Wow!!! Happy Birthday Mama Kachi God bless you plenty!!!

  2. Wow and God has not finished with you yet my dear. I thank God for your life and for Kachi my prince. There is more blessings to come because our God is God overdo.

  3. Wow and God has not finished with you yet my dear. I thank God for your life and for Kachi my prince. There is more blessings to come because our God is God overdo.


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