Side chick

We all know the term side chick is used to describe the other woman. A position allocated to a girl who is neither the wife or the main Chick. 
Today I won't be concentrating on the side chick. I'll concentrate on the " Side Wife" and "Side Husband". With recent events married folks now play the role of the other man or the other woman.
Side Wife. 

Before any woman gets married she has the picture of her dream man in her head the man should posses certain qualities before she'll say yes to his proposal. 

He should be

• Someone that is good looking.  

• Someone ‎successful 

• A gentleman 

• Someone caring 

• Someone with Vision and good dreams for their future. 

•A dedicated man. 

• Above all she desires to marry her best friend. 

After a girls marriage her husband becomes not only her life partner but her bestie. He's the one she runs to for everything shares her dreams with him and expects same from him. She expects him to take her into the magical dream world of love. Yes no man is perfect but hey! he should try to make her happy.  
Few years into the marriage, she realises that things are not the way it used to be. 
He's a bit withdrawn, he doesn't share his dreams with her anymore. They don't do fun things any‎more, he hardly comes home. He prefers to spend time outside instead of his home. He doesn't have a good explanation for his recent behaviour. They automatically become flat mates. Even flatmates have more fun than this couple. She begins to feel like part of the furniture in the house. 

Dear Wife, if he's not talking to you anymore and he's comfortable with it, he's talking with someone else. If he's not sharing his dreams with you, he's sharing it with someone else. If he's not spending quality time with you anymore, he's spending it with someone else. 
You're now the other woman. You're the "Side Wife" . 
Side Husband. 
The same goes for men too. every man wants to marry his best friend someone that will help him build his home, give him peace, give him kids and lots more. 
Then he begins to notice that. 

• she's gradually withdrawing from him. 

‎• she has stopped confiding in hi‎m or seeking his advice. 

•‎she Gradually stops to wear her wedding ring. 

• she begins to ignore him. 

• she stops spending time with you and even encourages you to spend more time outside. 

• she hardly laughs with you she only picks quarrel with you. 

• she's always with her phone, she pays more attention to her phone. 

• she spends most of her time online. 

• she forgets special occasions like your birthday or anniversary. Women don't forget special occasions. 

• she begins to hide her phone(s). 

Dear husband when you begin to notice these traits in your wife. Just so you know you're the other man. You've been converted to a "Side Husband". 


  1. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Great Post, Great Blog Chixy. Keep it up!


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