When we talk about people involved in abusive relationships our minds immediately wanders to women but study shows that a large number of men are trapped in abusive relationships. In a world where so much is expected of men and where men are raised to be the controllers ‎of people and things most men are trapped in abusive relationships. I've been reading about men involved in abusive relationships recently and i've come to realise that most men in abusive relationships are ashamed to talk about it while others don't understand that they're in abusive relationships. 

 These are signs that you're in an abusive Relationship. 

• She calls you names, insults you, compares you with other men and puts you down before people. 

• She tries to control you.

• she stops you from seeing friends and family members, she just wants you to herself. 

• she acts very Jealous and very Possessive. 

• she tries to control how you spend your money. 

• she threatens you with your secrets. 

• she threatens you with violence.  

• She hits, kicks, destroys your properties when she's upset with you. 
• She even blames you for her bad behaviour
Because men are thought to be physically stronger than women they never speak up about being abused, trust me if you don't speak up you'll end up being depressed and anxious, you might be more likely to abuse alcohol, drugs or engage in relationships that will hunt you in future.  
If you know that you're in an abusive relationship stop being macho about it, speak up and seek for help.


  1. What's the ratio here? Any way you look at it, men still come up tops on the scale.

  2. Is It Abusive Relationship Abi Na Domestic Violence?

  3. Anonymous8:31 AM

    90% of men are in these types of abusive relationships. Society just doesn't allow them to talk about it. It is seen as a sign of weekness.

  4. NwuyeAlvan9:15 AM

    That's soo true,pride is a disease,but a woman's bad mouth/attitude can make a man do many bad Who would have thought a man can be in in such a situation or be termed as being in an abusive relationship? It happens aloy these days, with ladies bullying and battering them verbally cause they have female frens amongst,odiro'easy


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