Let me start with a question. Can a woman be married and still feel single? The answer is a very big "YES". 

Some married women living with their partners ‎feel very single. They feel so lonely  emotionally and physically  in the relationship. Even though these married mums have a spouse to help them with their emotional needs, household chores, parenting and managing the home they end up doing everything alone. 

A recent survey by and found that most women feel overwhelmed when it comes to parenting responsibilities. According to their co parenting survey of 1,200 mum's 70 percent of working mums and 68 percent of stay-at-home mums feel resentful towards their partners because they felt the parental and household responsibilities were divided unfairly.

Their husbands are expected to act like " The man of the house" they claim to be. They should step up and share the responsibilities of managing the home equally.

Apart from the physical needs her emotional needs have t‎o be met. How well you meet those needs will determine the success of your marriage, show her affection because women can't do without affection. Spend quality time with her it will help you guys bond more, show her you love her don't just say it. most times give up hanging out with the guys to be with her. it's not all about sex.


  1. Anonymous10:06 AM

    First, women are bothered about too many unnecessary things and they find themselves alone doing those things. If you spend all your day running around unnecessary chores, sweeping the house ten times a day, you will get tired.

    Rule 1 for couples is determining what work is useful work or wasted work.

    Rule 2. Prioritizing even the so called useful work. Some things are urgent, some are important.

    Rule 3. Stop judging yourself based on the standards of others. Set an agree on your own.

    Rule 4. Women nay think sex is not important but as long as you wouldn't have your spouse doing it with someone else, you better concede that it is priority. It is punishment to deny a husband sex and ask him not to get it elsewhere.

    Rule 5. Couples need time for themselves but most of that time will come from the wife lightening her self destructive schedule to make time for herself.

    Rule 6. Cooking is the most operated thing in marriage. Only a fool will insist on cooking for her husband while he is sleeping with another woman. The most stupid thing I have heard is The way to a man's heart is through his tommy. It is a lie told to women by their mothers. Cut the time spent shopping for foodstuff and cooking. A man would eat anything cooked by a woman he loves.

  2. Anonymous10:16 AM

    First, women are bothered about too many unnecessary things and they find themselves alone doing those things. If you spend all your day running around unnecessary chores, sweeping the house ten times a day, you will get tired.

    Rule 1 for couples is determining what work is useful work or wasted work.

    Rule 2. Prioritizing even the so called useful work. Some things are urgent, some are important.

    Rule 3. Stop judging yourself based on the standards of others. Set and agree on your own.

    Rule 4. Women nay think sex is not important but as long as you wouldn't have your spouse doing it with someone else, you better concede that it is priority. It is punishment to deny a husband sex and ask him not to get it elsewhere.

    Rule 5. Couples need time for themselves but most of that time will come from the wife lightening her self destructive schedule to make time for herself.

    Rule 6. Cooking is the most overrated thing in marriage. Only a fool will insist on cooking for her husband while he is sleeping with another woman. The most stupid thing I have heard is The way to a man's heart is through his tommy. It is a lie told to women by their mothers. Cut the time spent shopping for foodstuff and cooking. A man would eat anything cooked by a woman he loves. Moreover, if you have to choose between the person he sleeps with and the person who cooks for him, then you can choose to be the cook.

  3. What exactly are we dealing with here? A Lonely married woman or men stepping up to more responsibilities at home?

    1. If a woman is lonely in her marriage then something is wrong, try and reconnect with your spouse.

    2. Our society has made it possible for men to be waited hand and foot though i must state that a lot of our young men are trying these days.


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