Agony of a Fat girl. 

A fat girl lives a miserable life because of what is going on around her, today fat is seen as very offensive by the society. Everyone has a comment on her body and feels the need to air their views, some nicely while others dish it out harshly. Most fat girls spend their days hiding and very angry at themselves for letting themselves go. 
Unfortunately the society has done more harm than good to fat girls. 
The skinny girls are seen as the hottest ones and are given more attention, Only few people/guys pay attention to fat girls. The rest see them as taboo. 

Fat girls are being Judged by their size and not who they really are. 

Check this out. 
• shopping is actually a nightmare for a fat girl. Imagine walking into a boutique and being greeted with we don't sell your size here. Ouch!!!! That hurts. 
Or you're told to pay more for a dress because more fabric was used to make the dress. 

• how often do you see a fat girl in a bridal train? Society will tag her as " the fat one that ruined a perfect bridal train". 

• If she doesn't have a car using public transportation is another nightmare. She'll be the " fat one that made other passengers uncomfortable" 

•A fat girl is always cyber bullied by guys and even skinny girls. 

• A fat girls is judged when she's seen eating, even if it's her first meal of the day. I can hear someone saying " as you fat reach, you still dey chop!? 

• A typical fat girl has low self esteem and gives her all if she's in a relationship. I've heard girls say well he's the only one that agreed to date me, so i'll do anything to keep him. 
That's so wrong sis no one is doing you a favour dating you. 

•Fat girls are seen as Ugly? O yes she automatically becomes ugly because of her size. How pathetic.

I can go on and on and on about what fat girls go through everyday that makes them very miserable. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying being fat is healthy, I'm saying fat people especially fat girls are human and should be treated as such. Surprisingly the same harsh treatment given to fat girls are not given to fat guys. 

A fat girl needs your encouragement to lose weight and live healthy ‎and not insults. a fat girl should not be treated like a plague.
Sis if you're fat and you feel the need to lose weight, do it because you want to, not because anyone cajoled you into doing. Remember size or no size you're very pretty don't allow anyone take that from you.


  1. Tamunoidikibugerere8:19 AM

    Lovely piece. Fat is beautiful

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I have walked in those shoes all my life until last year when i developed a heart problem n said i got to do something about my life coz if not i will die young. I started working out n eating healthy n am happy with my progress. Am doing it for me n me alone. I would walk past people n they would laugh or make nasty comments about my weight n I hated that with every breath in me. The society should embrace us all skinny or fat.................

  4. Nwuye Alvan9:30 AM

    That's nice Christabel, its nice encouraging people,I hate when they put them down cause of their weight issues,its soo wrong cuz it has d tendency of making them hurt themselves aswell

  5. Understanding Your Body Shape Is Fashion 101! I Don't Care If You Are A Size 0 Or Plus Sized. you Shoukd Know What Fits You. I Love Plus Sized Ladies That Knows How To Dress Their Body.

  6. The main thing in life is to know yourself and love yourself and most of all wear what's right for you. Opinion is like an asshole everyone has one but we don't need to see or hear it. People will always talk my dear if you base your happiness on what people say about you, you will lead a miserable life. If you are slim you will be too slim for them if you are big you are too big . You can never please everyone so concentrate on yourself and be happy if you feel you need to change something ensure you are doing it for yourself. everyone else can kiss my/your a$$. Life is too short to dwell on what people say or think. Just my opinion

  7. Am i Phat? Yes! Am i seeking for ways to a healthier me? Yes! but what i won't take is someone trying to making me less than i should because of my size.


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