I've realized in recent times that when certain people comes for advise they already have what they expect to hear from you in mind and will be highly disappointed if they're not told what they wanted to hear. 
Most times the people pleaser in us doesn't want to disappoint them so we give in.  I've also realized that some people have perfected the act of telling people what they want to hear or what they think they want to hear instead of the truth. 

The truth, is telling people what they want to hear or what you assume they want to hear have consequences the person is more confused, the person will end up making decisions that are harmful. 

Yes most people wants to live in La- La land where everything is ok, they can't handle the truth. But the pain of the truth is much less than the pain of lies and deception and having ones ego bruised. When we tell people what they want to hear or what we think they want to hear we set all parties involved up for disappointment. Be honest regardless of how the person feels. 

The next time you're tempted to tell someone what they want to hear or what you assume they want to hear. Ask yourself what you stand to gain hurting that person. Remember if you're not being honest you're not being you. 
So be honest or Zip it.


  1. Yes we already have an idea what we want to do but seeking advice is all about Reinforcement, it's just to be sure we are doing the right thing and trying to weigh it from a different perspective.


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