I read on TMZ that a father Mikki Willis doesn't care about raising his kids by the " traditional rules" he said my son can have whatever he wants even a doll. So when his son picked out a doll as his new toy he was all for it. Sincerely parents should know that kids are not meant to have all they want because most gifts are harmful. Is Mikki saying that if his son comes home and demands for a gun he'll provide it for him? Because according to him his kids can have whatever they want. I know most parents wants their children to have a better life than they did, so it's natural to want your Child to have a better Education, live in a good house, eat good food ( nutritious food) go on vacation abroad, wear designer clothes, drive in the best cars , have all types of video games, bottomline your kids have things in excess to make up for your bad childhood. Wrote. 

Giving your child everything they want sets the child up for a high level of frustration, rage and sadness in a latter life when life inevitably says "NO!". Sure it's easy to go out and buy the best toys, it's fun to see them play with them and we get pleasure by giving pleasure to our children. But we must also give them other gifts. Gifts of Patience, of learning to control impulses, of learning to grieve over something truly lost. 

By teaching children right from the start that they can't have everything they want or they can't have it right away but must wait. We teach them resilience and teach perseverance. They will need these qualities in great supply if they are to succeed and  thrive as adults.  

Yes give your children some things they desire so they may experience Joy and hope but let them also learn patience and resilience. These are by far better gifts to receive.  


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It's true parents try to give their children what they missed growing up which for me isn't a problem. The problem actually is that parents have lost their sense of values, your modern day parents are as clueless as the children they are raising. Talk of the blind leading the blind.

    I never born but I know I'll make a great and well rounded parent.

  3. Yes, true . Many parents use the excuse of I never had these things while I was growing up, so I'll lavish my children with the finer things in life. Big mistake!

  4. Tamunoidikibugerere David8:30 AM

    True talk,u hear excuses like, he's just a child,I never had it when I was a kid so I'm working to give my kids a better life.... That is OK,buy parents should know that if they had all they wanted while growing up,they wouldn't strive to be who they are. Go to the juville, u'd be amazed at the caliber of people there,they r either kids of this senator or that millonaire. parents should learn how to control their kids cause easy life begats spoilt brats


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