Just so you know, you're all that you need to survive in this crazy world. You should always be your "Number one fan". You don't need the eyes of others to see the good in you neither do you need anyone to applaud or validate you... you can totally do that "All By Yourself". 

We live in a world where people identify with you for what you have and not for who you are. As soon as they are done milking you dry,  they will drop you like hot potatoes and move on to the next big thing. 

That amazing feeling that you had when you were surrounded by people who gave you comfort, showed you love and affection, met your every need, ran errands for you even before you were done asking, just flies out the window.

Then reality will set in. You will suddenly  feel like it is you agaist the world. The lonelines that you will begin to feel will be so profound that you will even loose the motivation to pursue your dreams. The same dreams that they made you feel like attaining it was a piece of cake will suddenly seem unrealistic and impossible. And the feeling of being alone will overwhelm you to the point of depression and depression in it's extreme can make you feel suicidal.‎
There are great people in the world that became great against all odds, they knew that they were all that they needed to succeed and become great, Oprah Winfrey is a perfect example. 

Oprah is known today as America's First Lady of talk shows and she controls her own media empire but she was not born with a silver spoon in her mouth. Life was not a bed of roses for her,  she experienced a great deal of hardship. 

Her parents were not married when she was concieved and they separated soon after she was born and left her in the care of her maternal grandmother who raised her on a farm.

When Oprah was six she went to live with her mother in an extremely poor and dangerous milwaukee neighbourhood. Then at twelve she went to Nashville to live with her dad. 
And on top of everything that was going on in her life, she was repeatedly sexually abused by  trusted family members because she was left at home unsupervised by her mum. 

But all the challenges that she was facing did not discourage her instead,  it spurred her on and motivated her. She became a model student and participated in many clubs and also won a full scholarship to University of Tennesse. After graduating, she began a career in broadcasting and ended up achieving great success. And today she is celebrated all over the world. 
The reason why people fail is because they remain at the spot where they were left by their cheerleaders. They stop believing in themselves because others stopped. 
You're all you have and you're all you need to be successful 
Believe in yourself when no one else does.


  1. Spot On! When Life Throws Lemon At You, Peel Am Sharp Sharp Carry Do Lemonade.

    1. Add better sugar and small vodka

  2. Naff said need i say more

  3. Well said Big Sis!
    We just always need to remember that "We can do all things through Christ that Strengthens us"...not through the Accolade, Flattery and 'Washing' of the people around us.

  4. You are very correct chixy, people need to know who they are and keep pushing until they get to the final destination. People need to stop letting other people tell them who they are when they don't even know them. I love your post, very encouraging.

  5. Great piece! Just got encouraged by this. Keep it up!


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