Married Men and Porn Addiction.


I've been following the news of the disgraced reality star Josh Duggar and his shocking double life. Josh Duggar is the eldest son of Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar. They have a christian reality show on TLC " 19 kids and Counting". TLC suspended their show when josh publicly apologised for molesting five girls including his sisters. He confessed to cheating on his wife Anna and having an addiction to pornography. Few days ago a porn star and a stripper Danica Dillion 28 confessed that she had sex with him while his wife was pregnant with their fourth child. It's just one dark development after another for the reality start. 

What kept me wondering was the addiction to pornography. I've read and watched in reality movies where married men come out to confess that they have/had a porn addiction. I started wondering why and started reading about it. 
With what i've read so far married men watch porn for different unhealthy reasons.

• they enjoy the sexual excitement and release porn delivers.

• they like the sexual variety and porn has an endless selection to chose from. 

• in real life the sexual practices that men like might not be those that their partners would like to engage in but in the world of porn sex partners do anything. 

• the real world has a lot of stress and uncertainty the world of porn is predictable and controllable. 

• in a world where folks are busy with work, home and family a pornographic affair may seem like some sort of comfort for the man. 

The list is just endless, i've come to realise that pornographic addiction has destroyed a lot of relationships. 

From what i've read so far many women discovering that their husbands are addicted to pornography is similar to uncovering an extra marital affair. 
As a result they experience a variety of emotion anger, hurt, sadness, betrayal and rejection. They believe their husbands would rather be with the women they view in pornographic movies rather than their wives. Often they feel like they've been replaced with a computer image. The woman in pornographic movies is the other woman. This is devastating for their wives. 

Men with porn addiction should seek for help before it destroys them and their homes.


  1. Who's to blame abi???

  2. Blame it on the alcohol

  3. We are still yearning for adequate facilities and people would look for the slightest excuse to vandalize the available few? Not acceptable. definitely not the hospital's fault that there wasn't enough bed spaces, could happen anywhere though the sick person could have been treated as an outpatient.

  4. We Are All Different Individuals. I Can't Say For Sure Why Some Folks Are Porn Lovers. I Have A Friend That Once Told Me That Her Husband Brought Some Porn For Her To Watch While She Was Pregant. I Was Doubting**. To Cut Long Story Short, I Went To Her House, She Slotted In The Tape And Low And Behold, The Porn Actresses Are All Pregant, Not Prosthesis. I Asked Her To Know What Propmted Her Husband To Buy Such Films For Her. She Said She Lost Interest Since She Became Pregany. My Point Is If You Discover Your Partner Is A Porn Addict, Check Yourself And Check Again.


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