In my best Wendy Williams voice, " how are you doing"? 
Nothing beats the joy of receiving gifts on special occasions from someone special, but receiving Bad Gifts is an emotion killer,a bad gift is not only a kill joy, it will also kill the worms in your stomach. Lol!!!

Some people really suck at giving gifts. Ok let's put it this way, some people are not creative when it comes to gift giving. They just walk into a shop lay their hands on anything they feel is cute and bam!!! They're gone. 
A lot of people don't look forward to receiving  gifts from people like this on special occasions because their gifts are not exactly worth looking forward to. 

Seriously giving a bad gift takes the joy out of sharing and receiving gifts. Calling something random a gift does not make it a gift. I know that they say "it's the thoughts that counts" but the gift counts too. Some folks just needs to put more efforts in getting a gift for "someone special ". 

Gifts should be selected with a lot of care and thoughts... you've been around that person long enough so buying a gift for them should be  as easy as threading a niddle.

Then again, most bad gift givers don't do it intentionally they just suck at giving gifts and are not exactly creative  when it comes to giving gifts.

In order to make it easier for the bad gift giver in your life and save them the hassles of buying you a gift that you will end up loathing,  I have come up with a few tips for you:

Be specific 
We've established the fact that gift giving is not exactly one of the strengths of your "Special Someone", so it will be nice for you to be  specific with what you want on that special occasion. It has to be something you really love but it also has to be affordable. 

Be truthful 
For you to have a healthy relationship with the gift giver, you have to politely let them know that they suck...oops! I mean they're not creative when it comes to giving gifts‎. You appreciate the fact that they try to get gifts for you but you'll appreciate it more if they put more effort in getting a gift that you and cherish. 

You can be cunning (wink, wink)
Before the special occasion take the gift giver to your favourite shop under the pretense of window shopping and begin to drop hints on things you'll love for.........................
(at this point you will casually mention the occasion) . Pray very hard that the gift giver gets your hint. 

If these tips don't work, ‎you're stuck with bad gifts for a long time. ‎


  1. First To Comment! Yah!!!!! Been trying to comment since yesterday. #BadNetwork

    Some gifts are definitely a buzz killer. But truth be told, on the average Nigerians are commendable when it comes to giving gifts.

    1. Getting ready for my birthday gift. Thank God you're a Nigerian

    2. Taa! Please i'll be Camerounian that day.

  2. Bad gifts truly r a joy killer. Wait when r cunning n the gift giver dain get the hints mayooooooo thats not a joy killer its both joy, happiness n the occasion killer....... How u gifting Chika??

  3. true im a gift giver and lover,got a blunder gift frm a gal i was eyeing in jss3 she got me a shaving stick and cologne. the hair neva been grow sef lol

    1. I'm sure the shaving stick will be useful now.

  4. Lol... am good at giving good gifts.... true talk girlie

  5. I also have friends dat give good

  6. If one's close friends always get them "bad gifts " then I doubt their friendship. Because as women, we like to talk about what we like; shoes, bags, clothes; the designer brands we like and what have you. So a close female friend being a "bad gifter" is inexcusable because there are plethora of options - I believe this applies to males too.


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