Woman Knitted Life-size Replica Of Her Son...................... Creepy.

When I read certain stories I ask myself what actually is the motive behind this act because it doesn't make sense to me.
according to metro uk This woman knitted a life-size replica of her son because he didn’t want to cuddle her anymore let me ask a "dumb" question, now that she has a replica of her son does it hug her on it's own? Sometimes parents should just let their kids grow up.
The gist is
She decided to knit a life-size replica of him and now she cuddles that instead.
Marieke Voorsluijs, a textiles designer from The Netherlands says the life-size knit took about two months to make and she had both her sons’ blessing.
‘My son is reaching puberty. We used to cuddle all the time, but those days are becoming scarce,’ she explained in an article for Bored Panda.

son and his replica

‘Now he’d rather hang with friends, play with his phone and listen to his iPod,’ she writes. And while she accepts that this is ‘exactly according to nature’s plan,’ she missed the hugs.
So, in consultation with her son, she came up with a way of giving him his personal space while indulging her ‘smother mother’ tendencies.
Behold her knitted son. He also likes junk food. Marieke, who is well known for knitting replicas of everyday objects (she also does hams), says she and her (real-life) sons had a great time working together on the woolly doppelganger.
And during the process she even managed to get in a few cuddles with the real thing ‘without him even knowing it’.



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