Give Her A Pen Not A Penis...Outrage As Primary Four Girl Aged 8 Is Married In Zaria...

                                                    bride and groom.
 BY ABIYAMO 2 · JANUARY 18, 2016
Although millions of eight-year-old girls in Nigeria
are presently playing or disturbing their mothers for
more noodles, there is one particular eight-year-old
girl who is now a married woman.
I have confirmed that two days ago, a marriage
ceremony was conducted between a rather curious
couple: the bride is eight years of age and she is in
primary four (we are presently still getting more
information on the groom but initial reports say he is
aged 14 and is in SS1).
They are of the Baba Ahmed family in Zaria and this
is reportedly not the first of such marriages they
have conducted. Sources told Abiyamo that although
the marriage has indeed been formalized between
the two ‘lovers’, there will be no sexual intercourse
until at least they finish their secondary school
It is unclear if there will be other marital duties such
as cooking, living together or going for romantic time
outings. We are still getting more updates on the
story and will be updating as we get them.


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