Teenager’s first words after his heart transplant will make you appreciate the small things.

A teenager’s first words after waking up from his heart transplant are a lesson in not taking the small things – like breathing – for granted.
Trevor Sullivan, a 15-year-old kid from Detroit, was diagnosed with severe cardiomyopathy last February.
He had been waiting for eight months for a donor heart to become available, allowing him to get the life-saving operation.
And as he woke up he cried: ‘I’m so happy. I’ve been waiting so long. I can breathe again… and talk.’

What is Cardiomyopathy?

  • Cardiomyopathy is a general term for diseases of the heart muscle.
  • It means the walls of the heart chambers have become either stretched, thickened or stiff.
  • This stops the heart being able to pump blood around the body.
Source: NHS Choices
When his father Philip, 43, asked him if he felt good, Trevor replied: ‘I feel amazing. I’ve never felt so good.’
Speaking to ABC News after recovering, Trevor said: ‘I really like the video, actually. I think it’s really cool and I wish everyone in the world could see it because it really makes a difference.
‘It promotes organ donation and people can see the outcome of it and how happy they [patients] really are.’

Philip, who recently shared the video with charity Gift of Life Michigan on Facebook, said Trevor had been feeling sick for about a year before his diagnosis, but they thought he was allergic to something.

But on February 12, Trevor had to be airlifted to a specialist children’s hospital after suffering sudden heart failure. Eight months later, on November 12, Trevor underwent his surgery.
Trevor had waited eight months for a transplant (Picture: YouTube/Trevor Sullivan)
Trevor had waited eight months for a transplant (Picture: YouTube/Trevor Sullivan)
A GoFundMe page was set up to help the family cope with the financial pressure of Trevor’s medical help, and it has now raised more than $63,000 (£44,000).
His mum Kimberley said her son had been given a new lease of life.
‘It felt like it was better than the day he was born,’ she said.

culled metro uk


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