Pay Attention To Your Teenagers.

I saw a disturbing post last night on facbook that really messed my night up. It was a picture of a nude teen girl in a beer parlor at ‎Enugu with a man sucking her breast. Disgusting! #shrugs. 

I was asking myself series of questions, was she high on something? Was it at gun point? Was she threatened to do it? Given that she was completely nude while the guy sucking her breast was clothed with his face covered on her breast. Or were they involved in a truth or dare game? Where was her parents?  I couldn't place my hands on anything.  

Sincerely I'm worried about teenagers of this generation that is why I always tell parents to pay attention to their teenagers. 

Parents should realise that things have changed, teenagers of today are different from teenagers of years back. Teenagers of the 80s were not exposed to what teenagers of today are exposed to for all it's worth the only gadget a teenager of the 80s rocked was a Walkman, but today's average teenager, has a laptop, different kinds of games, smartphone and they're more likely to practice sex at an early age. 

From my research I discovered that music plays a major role in the lives of teenagers. On the average teens listen to over 2.5 hours of music per day and smartphones makes it easier for teens to listen to music while they go about their daily activities. One of the reasons why parents should pay close attention to their teenagers is that the digital world now means that parents will face new challenges everyday with their teens especially when it comes to music.  
Imagine if your teenager listens to music that talks about violence, sex and drugs. I know for a fact that they will be pressured to practice it. 

Let's talk about Social media, research has it that teenagers go online "almost constantly ", still facilitated by smartphones. Facebook, Instagram, twitter are the most popular and frequently used social media platforms among teens though Facebook remains the most used social media amongst teenagers today.  

Parents should realise that due to technology teenagers of today are more exposed to social vices therefore parents please pay attention to the kind of music your teens are exposed to, the kind of clothes they wear, the kind of friends they keep, the manner they talk, teen girls should wear appropriate make up, wear appropriate clothes, they should dress their age. Above all always pray for your kids speak God's words to  them and always bless you kids. 



  1. Well, this has always been a huge concern for me. Unfortunately every parent is guilty at one point, or level to another. Our desire to please our children and the growing level of competition makes parenting harder than it should be.

    The bible still remains a good yardstick to raising kids. No disrespect to persons of other faith. Thank God our laws haven't given children more rights than their parents. First step is to make them your friend.

    Second, let them understand as friends they need to be open. That way you can always get information on what they're exposed to in your absence and you can discuss it and guide them properly.

    Children are also smarter these days. Parents have to be honest and not live double standard lives. You cant be talking to your kids about morals and they cant relate it to your lifestyle.

    Limit their exposure to television and choice of music. Let them be engaged in church activities early. Teach them to join family prayers. Don't make excuses for them. For the girls, they should have male friends of same age. That way, they develop healthy relationships that's not based on sex.

    Parenting takes a lot my dear. Cant be covered here. And its not like a "Ten steps to successful parenting" kinda thing. It takes the grace of God and discipline on the part of parents.

    1. Thank you very much for this wonderful piece I hope parents learn from this.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. If you ask me,I will say the best way out is to catch them young.Teach them "Act and Consequences".Be very hard when you list the Consequences of some actions.Look for those Consequences that Cuts liver and tell them,so they will understand everything they do,in or outside ur presence will lead to one Consequence or another.It helps.Since you cannot be with them at school and some other places they may get to be without you.

    The foundation of a child matters,even when they try to go astray or go astray,they can never be there for long.That they learn will be a nudge of repentance.
    Parents must learn to create time for their Children.

    1. You're very correct parents should create time for their kids

  4. When Everything Fails, Always Uplift Them In Your Prayers. Lay Your Hand Upon Them Every Morning Before They Leave The House. Parenting Is Really Hard Especially In These Contemporary Times, But In All Things We Would Not Relent In Guiding Their Parts.

    1. Sadly a lot of parents hardly pray for their kids some even. Curse their kids.


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