‎Yeppie!!! Slim With Ease (SWE) Is Coming To Port - Harcourt.

My Port Harcourt people good thing don land for our state ooo. 

Slim With Ease will be launched in Port - Harcourt Nigeria at The Elkan Terrace plot 12B Abacha Road Link Road GRA Phase 3 Port - Harcourt.  

Come and hear Nina's Success Story how she lost weight without struggle without pills shakes etc. Get your free tickets for the launch by clicking on the link below http://www.eventbrite.com/e/slim-with-ease-port-harcourt-launch-tickets-20459389585 
 This is Nina's story
I am a wife of 24 years a mother of 3 beautiful daughters and a grandmother of the most gorgeous little baby that has ever graced this earth.

I was born in the UK but spent most of my formative years in Nigeria. I was sent home to Nigeria after the sudden death of my mum.

I came back to Nigeria in 1977 and attended the Shellcamp Primary school in Owerri, my secondary education was at the renowned Federal Government Girls college Owerri in Imo State.
I later on went on to School of Nursing Emekuku Owerri - Imo State and attained the certificate in General nursing (RGN), which was followed by a certificate in Midwifery from the  School of midwifery Abiriba in Abia State.

for most of my adult life I was medically diagnosed and referred to as - the morbidly obese lady.

For as long as I can remember I have been obese, actually not just obese but morbidly obese, despite a couple of health scares, warnings from medical personnel, sarcastic comments from “friends”, being excluded by people socially etc. I still did not do anything about my weight. , I fluctuated between a size 32 and a size 28, sometimes the size 32 clothes were even tight on me but I was able to get along by wearing skirts and jogging bottoms that had elasticated waistbands.
As they say; “whenever you wake up is your morning”, I got my wake up call in June 2012. I had been complaining of serious knee problems, I could barely stand for more than 5 minutes without looking for something to lean over (something that would actually take off the weight from my upper body that was crippling my knees), kneeling down at the altar for communion became problematic so I stopped going forward for communion. 

Being a medical personnel, the need to perform CPR (cardio pulmonary resuscitation) is inevitable which means regular training to update techniques is required. Now for those who don’t know, CPR has to be performed with the patient lying flat on their back on the ground and the person performing it on their knees, this was a major problem for me and I could not comply.
I then summoned up the courage to visit my doctor I use the phrase “summoning up courage” because over here in the UK, whenever you fall within the category of being slightly overweight any ailment you present the doctor with, will be attributed to your weight. The doctor decided to refer me to the surgical orthopaedic consultant (Mr Thilagarajah-“my life saver”).
In June 2012, I had my first consultation with Mr Thilagarajah, he took one look at me even without asking me what my problem was or looking at the x ray that had been done prior to him seeing me and asked; “what are you doing about your weight?” I was confused as I had come to see him about my knees and not about my weight and of course my knee problem had nothing to do with my knees or did it? (that was me being in denial). After looking at my x ray, he told me that my knees looked like the knees of an 82 year old woman and that I was a candidate for knee replacement surgery in the next 5-10 years and concluded; “I doubt if you will live that long”. He requested to see me in a year’s time.
As I left the consultation room I was downcast, I knew it was time to do something about my weight seriously, but I did not know how to start, the mention of the word “diet” petrified me, the thought of exercise scared me, I knew there were options out there that people had been doing and losing weight on them such as; Cambridge diet, lighter life etc, but I loved my food too much to live on milk shakes, soups and cereal bars, I knew these worked in the interim but I also knew that they are not sustainable.
A few days later I went to a shop and was looking at some healthy/diet magazines, I found one that I could relate to, I read it from cover to cover and was inspired, I then signed up with them although the menus/foods they advertised and talked about where mainly English foods, I used the principles and applied it to my way of cooking Nigerian food and surprisingly the weight started to fall off me.

At Slim with ease we never use the word DIET as the Slim with ease plan is not a duet but a permanent sustainable approach to a healthier lifestyle.

When I started my journey to a healthier lifestyle, I shared every single step on social media (Facebook, Twitter, blogs), a lot of people were following me, some were cheering me on, some were inspired, others who knew me from way back were just watching and waiting for me to give up/fail.

I posted pictures of what I had cooked, what I was eating, I also updated everyone on my weekly progress each time I got weighed, if I lost I shared, if I had a gain I also shared and those supporting me would cheer me on when I was feeling low if I had a gain, as being a very transparent person, I shared everything on social media including my moods and feelings.

As the weight started to fall off, I posted pictures of myself, including loads of before and after ones, it took me a while to see the difference that others were seeing, despite noticing that my clothes were falling off me and I had to buy smaller sizes, each time I looked in the mirror all I could see was a size 32 person. The brain is a very complex organ and my brain was so used to seeing me as a size 32+, so it took a long time to reprogram itself for me to see the leaner person.

As I kept sharing my journey and progress, several people in Nigeria who had been following me started contacting me and asking me to bring this "revolutionary" weight loss plan to Nigeria, their arguments were;
Nigerians are so conscious of their weight but only had access to fad diets and supplements such as; slimming pills, teas, coffees, herbal remedies, shakes, juices or restrictive non sustainable diet plans.

All the above mentioned will help at the beginning and yes one will lose a lot of weight, but it's not sustainable as you can't indulge or "poison" your body with these chemicals for the rest of your life, once you reintroduce food, you end up gaining everything you have lost and the cycle starts again.

I thought about launching Slim with ease and discussed it with my husband and those close to me, they all encouraged me and the balls were set in motion.

Slim with ease was launched in Lagos in November 2014
We then launched it in Abuja in June 2015 and it will be launched in Port Harcourt on the 13th of February 2016 at the Elkan Terrace.
I would just like to use this opportunity to emphasise that, just because we have not launched in a particular area does not mean that the program is unavailable in that area. Slim with ease is available for all Africans who are located in any part of the world.
We currently have clients in; USA, Canada, UK, Umuahia, Onitsha, Owerri, Port Harcourt, Kaduna and Enugu - Slim with ease has not launched in any of these areas, but the plan is working for all those on it.

One of the best bits is that, we now have testimonies of others who have been on the plan and have started reaping the benefits, so it's just not my before and after picture that is shown on promotional materials we now have the faces of others.

one area I am still finding challenging - acceptance.
You see our people as I briefly mentioned before are so into "quick fix" diet solutions, everyone wants to lose weight but no one wants to put in the work to achieve this goal, they all want a miraculous solution in the form of a pill that they will drink and the weight will disappear overnight - I always derive the utmost pleasure in bursting their bubbles by telling them in my best South London accent;  "it ain't gonna happen - mate".
A few months ago I got the greatest shock when a medical doctor contacted me asking for help to lose weight, when I started explaining to her how we would support her, I was horrified when she told me she needed something that she would drink daily to burn the fat away.
To sum it up its all about trying to change the mindset of our people and re educating them on healthy eating and sustainability with any dietary plan.

The other frustrating challenge I have is MEN!!! 
When will our men accept that dealing with being overweight and health risks associated with obesity is not just applicable to women? Since we launched in 2014 we have had over 2000 enquiries and only about 100 have been men, out of those figures only 2 men have ever signed up.

Whatsapp: +447718997840

                                               A result of slim with ease.
Another result of slim with ease.


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