Kenyan man brutalize wife, rapes her in public

A Kenyan man has become a sensation after he battered his wife and raped her in public.
battered wife

A middle aged man in Kenya, identified as Christopher Bodo, a staff of Total Kenya Airport, has caused a sordid sensation after he brutalized his wife severely and raped her in public because he heard rumours that she was seeing other men.

The report carried in Venas News, has it that on the day of the incident, Bodo had come back from work and heard from his friends that his wife was sleeping around with other men and without waiting to hear from her, he stormed into the bedroom where he started beating her.

The woman managed to run out of the house but Bodo pursued her and when he caught up with her, and in front of a gathering crowd, continued beating her until she lost consciousness.
Not done, he stripped her naked, pulled down his trouser and raped her while the crowd cheered.



  1. And the crowd cheered? Where there women in this said crowd I wonder. If she is unconscious then she didn't give consent hence it's rape husband or not.

  2. And the crowd cheered? Where there women in this said crowd I wonder. If she is unconscious then she didn't give consent hence it's rape husband or not.


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