Shocking Plastic Surgery Transformation Right Before Your Eyes

See Mama Elsa Patton's Shocking Plastic Surgery Transformation Right Before Your Eyes

Sure, plastic surgery can aid the aging process, but it can also go horribly, horriblywrong – just ask Elsa Patton.

The 78-year-old former Real Housewives of Miami star, commonly referred to as "Mama Elsa", admittedly had so much plastic surgery that she "ruined" her face. Though she's never directly commented on specifics, her daughterMarysol Patton, who's a housewife on RHOM, revealed that her mom had her eyelids done in the '80s and it caused her to have "hematomas on her eyes for like three years." 

 Before plastic surgery.
 April 2010
 Feb 2011
 Sept 2012

Dec 2012.


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