Plus Size Women Are Sexy...... BUT.

I'm up early as usual I was going through my facebook timeline and stumbled on this picture.
I found the picture very disturbing. Don't get me wrong I don't have anything against plus size ladies speaking up for themselves, personally I understand what every plus size lady is going through because i'm also a plus size diva. Lol! We’ve all long been tired of only one type of body being celebrated as beautiful and there is need to raise awareness that being a plus size lady or "Thick Woman" is also sexy. I honestly don't see the message in the above picture. All I see is ladies trying so hard to look and feel good with themselves.

Do you really need to prove a point by posing nude?  If you're confident with your body why would you have to PROVE to anyone that you are by posing nude? To me  it seems like a cry for attention to pose nude just to prove that you're comfortable with your body or you're a sexy plus size lady.
I do not see men having the need to post naked pictures to feel good about their bodies.

I love the fact that plus size ladies are speaking up for themselves, I love the fact that they are standing up for themselves,  it's intriguing that they are competing with skinny ladies. But posing nude to prove a point is totally unacceptable.  

What are they teaching kids? To pose nude when they feel insecure or are body shammed. The above picture is not my idea of self Love. 


  1. Anonymous12:16 PM

    This is not plus size, where is de big tummy and amoeba shape? This ones have shape abeg.


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