‎Laugh At Yourself Sometimes ........... It's Cool.

I was watching a repeat episode of the Wendy Williams show this morning and at the end of "Hot Topics" Wendy made fun of her Fall. She called it the " Fall Of Shame". Lmao!! Nice one Wendy. 

In August this year Wendy Williams was in Houston, Texas with her national "Sit down Tour".... "Too real for Stand up show", When she miscalculated her steps and fell off the stage. oops!!! 

If you're a Wendy watcher you'll know it's a big deal because Wendy is in every body's business. During her "Hot Topics " Wendy talks about everything and everyone, she does not spare anyone, she's not afraid to step on toes, so Wendy's Fall was a big deal. In my head I Imagined certain celebrities  saying good for you Wendy!!!!!!!!!!!! let her be in the spotlight for something negative so she'll know how we feel sometimes during " Hot Topics ". Lol! 

Wendy did not make a big deal about the fall, she made light the whole thing, she made fun of herself, She took to twitter and wrote " forget "it's a sit down tour not the fall down tour" she Joked. She was able to laugh at herself against all odds.  

I've come to realise that one of the best ways of dealing with life's challenges is being able to laugh at yourself. 
I read an article on Huff post healthy living which states that science confirms that it's seriously a good idea to laugh at oneself, laughing at oneself is a good sign that you have an optimistic personality and a good sense of humour ‎. 

Personally I think being able to laugh at yourself takes a lot of weight and pains off your shoulders, being able to laugh and make fun of yourself takes away the hold haters have on you. Being able to laugh at yourself or make fun of a particular event in your life makes you cool. If you can cry about certain things, you can also laugh about certain things. 

Some Successful people dealt with life's challenges by simply laughing at themselves and making fun of the whole challenging situation. 

Former US president Bill Clinton made fun of his medications when asked about his favourite cocktail at a 2010 Gridiron club dinner and Clinton responded that the beverage of his choice was " lipitor on the rocks" ( in reference to his cholesterol lowering medication) . 

I laugh at myself sometimes and i'm cool with it. 


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