Woman left sex doll and dildo covered in dog poo in someone’s porch as a ‘prank’

This is taking crazy to a whole new level
We all like a joke, but a woman who left a blow-up sex doll and a dildo covered in dog poo on someone’s doorstep may have been taking things a bit TOO far.
Chrys Wimmer, 56, said that the disgusting gift was a ‘prank’ – and pulled a gun on two men who interrupted her.
Police in Greenwood, Indiana said they found a small pill bottle full of cocaine on her.
The two men said that Wimmer pulled out a gun when interrupted, and said, ‘Get the f*** out of my way. Are you going to move or am I going to move or am I going to move it for you?

She was arrested for possession of cocaine, pointing a loaded weapon and possession of a handgun without a license.

Culled from metro.co.uk


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