You Snoop, You Hurt.

Insecurity can have a devastating effect on relationships, insecurity has done more harm than good in most relationships. Insecurity can cause the sanest person on earth to do the "stupidest" thing ever.
 stop being insecure work on yourself.

One of the things insecurity makes one do is snooping around, a lot of people who feel insecure with their partners or people who feel their partners are cheating on them resort to snooping around just to find information to confirm their suspicions. The truth is when you go looking for something you'll definitely find something. The tricky thing is because your mind is filled with thoughts that your partner is cheating, even a harmless chat with the opposite sex will lead you to blow things out of proportion. You will start a fight that you will regret latter. Especially when you don't have a proof that something is  actually happening. 

 when you go searching for clues you will definitely find it.

Yes I know because I used to snoop around. I used to investigate more than the CIA because I was equally insecure thank God I'm working on it. I remember vividly how I used to check when last my boyfriend was seen on whatsapp #shrugs or how I go to his facebook timeline to check his posts and the comments, and how he responds to comments by his female friends. Then I go on whatsapp to abuse the hell out of him just because a lady called him "dear" or he called a lady sweetheart on his post. Sometimes he explains and other times he ignores me which infuriates me the more I will spend the whole day abusing him. It took me sometime to find out that he was just an affectionate person. Most times I was worrying over nothing. 
Truth is with social media there is always something to make you feel that your partner is cheating. 
 the snooper has no peace of mind.

Then again the "snooper" #lol, does not have rest of mind because their thoughts are filled with so many negative things when they are not with their partners. When he's not around, your thoughts are he's either having sex with the person he's cheating on you with or they having a wonderful date night. Insecurity will cause you to call  just to see how they'll respond to you and all. If they don't take the call at the time the first thought that comes to mind is that they are cheating. I know a lady that called until her man took the call and told her he was in a meeting she was arguing with him till he gave the phone to another man to talk to her, then she believed him and started apologising.
When you guys are together and they're sleeping you go snooping around for proof that they are cheating  or pretending to be asleep so they can think of the other person(It happens). 

It takes a lot of time and energy to snoop why not invest that time and energy making "you" a better person do something meaningful with your time.

Snooping will strain your relationship, yes! I know it's difficult not to snoop when the signs are staring you in the face that your partner is cheating, you have to fight that urge not to snoop, remember snooping around will hurt you too. Learn to trust your partner regardless because without trust your relationship is useless, if you're convinced that your partner is cheating keep calm don't go snooping somehow it will come to the open such things can't be hidden for long it always comes out. Then again if you feel  the only way for you to be happy and secure in a relationship is to go about snooping. You need help.


  1. Lol I usually avoid the person's wall like a plague. Truth be told if I find myself watching his timeline, checking bbm feeds and Whatsapp Seen then it's not a healthy relationship cos all it shows is that I feel insecure and not sure of his feelings for me. Hanging on means hurting myself the more. Ofcourse I've found myself in such situation before,Such relationships don't last. #TimeToMoveOn

    1. you are right I recently realized that once u start snooping it's time to move on,

  2. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Chixy so you were a snooper lwkmd

  3. Very good write up!


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