Human Chameleon.

Today I want to talk about chameleons in relationships, I know that I am not a relationship expert to talk about certain things or give certain relationship advice but I know that there are certain things that destroys relationships and being a human chameleon is one of them.
Urban dictionary defines a
 human chameleon as a person
 who alters their personality
  according to who they want
  to impress or fit in with.   
Basically a human chameleon is someone who pretends a lot just to be with who they deem special. A human chameleon is not an honest person because he/she is living a lie, they are hiding  their true nature just to be in a relationship, they pretend to love what the other person loves just to be with them, a human chameleon is practically living for the other person. how sad!!!!!!!
A human chameleon is afraid to stand out for fear of what the other person might think of them for that reason they are not completely open with the other person, the other persons knows little or nothing about them. A human chameleon is a "pleaser" they all they do is please, please and please the other person even if it hurts them in the process or regardless of the fact that they are losing their respect, self worth and who they are in the relationship.
                                                Know this being a human chameleon will never give you the satisfaction you desire in the relationship it gets boring and frustrating and you'll end up being miserable, at some point you'll get tired of being a "pleaser" and you'll begin to crave for other things including being "pleased".
Instead of being a human chameleon chose to be you, you are unique and deserves as much as you give out in that "relationship". Don't lose who you are trying to "please and fit in, let your partner experience your uniqueness. You can change to be a better person and not to fit in.
If they don't accept you the way you are please do well to kick them to the curb because they don't deserve you. If you're trying to hard just to be in that relationship know that it's time to call it quits.



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