You Disrespected Me. #Yawns.

‎I've said it over and over again that insecurity can cause the sanest woman do the crasiest and stupidest ‎ thing on earth.
 No doubt we're all insecure to some degree, we need to identify that we are insecure and work on it before we make a fool of ourselves.  

So I attended a function hosted by a family member, let's call him uncle B. 
Uncle B is my favourite uncle I spend a lot of time at his residence and some of his friends have gotten to and some  yab me for fun, especially uncle K, unclek is fun he jokes with everyone he makes everyone laugh and we're fond of him Uncle K yabs me a lot he calls me all sort of names for fun just to make everyone laugh. 

So at the function I was taking selfies with people including uncle K few minutes latter I started hearing arguments then someone told me that Uncle K's wife was having issues with her hubby because of the picture to the amazement of everyone on their table she accused uncle K of dating me. Lol. 
Then men on the table spoke in my defense, they were shocked to hear it and explained to her that I am every bodies friend, Uncle Y's wife went as far as explaining to her that i'm Oga's sister and i'm friends with her husband and she doesn't have an issue with it, it was so bad that my uncle himself went to explain to the woman that there's nothing going on with us. 

An honorable met me and said he's not happy with the lady's behaviour but I should go and apologize to the lady and explain that I have nothing with her husband that he doesn't want me to be the reason why the couple will quarrel when they get home. 

I walked up to the lady to apologize and explained that I have nothing with her husband and I took the Selfie for fun because her hubby always calls me ugly. She said I disrespected her by taking pictures with her husband ( ndi husband Mtcheeeeeeew) 
irrespective of what we have I stopped her there and told her that I don't have anything with her husband and I know she knows me that's why I took the pictures but i'm sorry if she feels disrespected by my actions. That was when she said it's okay and warned me not to take pictures with her husband or any married man again. (attorney general for married women #smh). I just apologized to clear my conscience and walked away. 

Yes I know that most people will defend her that I don't know what she's seeing in her husband's hands to make her that insecure or act that way and bla bla bla bla. 

My take is she actually made a fool of herself and her husband creating such scene in the presence of his friends is a big no no, it goes a long way to show how they are living at home and their relationship has no trust, if it took lots of people to convince her that we're not dating.  Then again if she felt the whole thing was not right what she would have done was to call me aside and tell me politely that she's not comfortable with the way I joke with her husband, for all it's worth she made her husband look like a fool before his peers. 

As for me she has lost my respect big time and i've decided to stay as far away from him as possible so she won't slap me like she threatened because if she had raised her hands on me! She'll still be seeing stars from the punch she'll receive from my fist.  rubbish.


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