6 Reasons Why She Slept With Your Man,‎

Nothing hurts more than your partner cheating on you with a loved one. It might be a sibling, relative or friend. The many emotions that follows feels like a hailstorm of pains. There are some predictable emotions like anger, hurt, betrayal , a sense of loss, shame, emptiness above all you begin to lose confidence in yourself. You begin to ask yourself questions only God can answer. In the case of women we begin to compare, what drives us crazy the most is the un answered question "why did she sleep with my partner"? Sadly we try to convince ourselves that it's our fault and not their fault. It's all about me she's everything I'm not,  she's cooler , she's more attractive, she's more out going, she's fun personified, she's richer, she's social...........oh! phuliiizzzz!!!!!!!!!!! Stop it right there, how dare you? how dare you blame yourself for something that is clearly not your fault, how dare you see the best in a back stabber and can't see anything good in you?  

This is what  FarrahGray has to say

So your man cheated on you and you just don’t understand why this chick did it. She knew he was your man. So why’d she do it?

• She’s selfish. There’s no way around it. She wants what she wants and she has no guilt about taking it. Her needs come first, no matter whom she is hurting. The ironic part is, your man was so blinded by his desire that he didn’t realize she does not care about him, either. She doesn’t care about hurting him or wifey or the kids.
• She has no morals. She knows what’s right and wrong, but it doesn’t matter to her. Since she doesn’t have morals, she doesn’t feel responsible. If you confront her, chances are she will say something like, “I can’t help it if your man wants what I got.” She will show no shame and not take the blame.
• She’s psycho. Other words for her include sociopath and narcissist. She lacks the ability to sympathize with you. In fact, some women who are habitual home wreckers are so sick that they actually derive pleasure from hurting others. She may be the kind of chick that sleeps with attached men for the thrill of it.
• She’s accessible. We know you have to work and then there’s the kids, but sometimes men just fall prey to a side chick who will give him what he wants and won’t put any pressure on him. She doesn’t ask him to take out the garbage and she’s never tired. It sucks, but it is what it is.
• She is just that dumb. She believes him when he complains about you and says he stays for the kids. She falls for his lies and his promises to leave you and marry her
• She’s desperate. She doesn’t have a man and one’s not in sight. She thinks so little of herself that she is willing to be the second fiddle.
The bottom line, though, is that your man cheated, and no matter what a piece of garbage the other woman is or what a moron he is, you still have to deal with the fact that you have a cheater on your hands.
You heard it all, you don't have to end your life for a piece of garbage in the name of sister, friend or colleague. You really don't have to bother yourself about a lady with no morals. Walk with your heads high because she came after what "YOU HAD/HAVE" and that makes you superior. 


  1. Once a cheat always a cheat.

  2. Bottom Line, Try And Be The Best You Can And Leave The Rest To God!

  3. Lol,will never blame myself for it,in relationship,u talk about issues. But when he sleeps with my relation, that's the highest of all level of disrespect. Go out n do ur shot but not in my space,it sucks


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