GOSSIP!!! Pay Little Or No Attention To What You Hear.

The dictionary defines gossip
                                             " as idle talk or rumour
                                               especially about the   personal
                                               or private lives of others".

Talking about others is natural we talk about one another every day. Gossip has become part of our day to day activity . Most people say they don't gossip at all, but sorry to bust your bubbles sweethearts, when you talk about someone in their absence whether good or bad is called "gossip'.

There are two types of gossip

                                             " Harmless Gossip and
                                              Harmful/Malicious Gossip"

 Harmless gossip is just a positive kind of gossip where you give truthful information about what's going on in someone's life. Maybe she got dumped by her partner of so many years and ended up marrying a rich cute guy, or someone got promoted at work after working for a very long time etc.

Harmful/Malicious gossip is a disgraceful gossip about the private lives of others it's another form of bullying geared towards bringing others down.
Sadly people pay more attention to harmful/malicious gossip because it contains juicy but false informations   about another. Recently I carried out a little experiment on my facebook timeline to explain further how people are attracted to gossip.
I posted  " Jesus is Lord" and " Ha! my neighbour just caught her husband with their maid. chai!, at the same time to see which post gets the most attention. lmao! you guess is as good as mine. 
                                            the false story got the most attention.lol!

You don't have to believe everything you hear no matter how juicy the story is, it might just be a fabrication by someone trying to bring another down. People make up hurtful stories for reasons best known to them to bring others down. The internet has even made it easier for people to spread false stories to destroy others. Marriages in Hollywood are destroyed daily by false stories from the media, relationships are ruined because of harmful/malicious gossips. Homes are broken because of same.
Know that people use harmful/malicious gossips to destroy others, so don't judge people by what you hear but judge by what you know about them. A lot of people are dead, some are in the prison others in  hospital because of harmful/malicious gossip. We wake up everyday to different types of stories all thanks to the media, we just need to be careful and wise on how we take the stories.



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