Facebook bullies.

I was going through my facebook timeline in my usual aproko manner and I noticed a post by my friend Cecilia addressing a young man who disrespected her. Apparently Cecilia was having a friendly political banter with her friend and this  young man sprung up from no where and started insulting Cecilia, using words only him and his ancestors understands. I've observed in recent times that folks are being bullied on facebook for no reason.

Bullying can happen anywhere and facebook is no exception, folks lose their sense of courtesy and boundaries and begin to misbehave. They don't care if you are the child of the president or a known celebrity they just put you down for no reason. They say mean things to you and about you to bring you down.

                        How to spot facebook bullies.

** They are attention seekers, they comment on every post they don't care if the post concerns them or not, they have opinions on every subject and you " must " agree with them, if you don't agree with them, they try to shove their opinions down your throat and if you resist them, they begin to hurl insults at you.

** They spread falsehood on their timeline with the intent of embarrassing someone. These ones never say anything good about anyone they spread lies about people just to get folks to hate them.

 ** Some even create a fake account just to bully and sometimes con people, these ones don't want people to know their true identity for fear of getting arrested. these ones post false stories, pictures and even videos to humiliate people.
There are so many signs to show that one is being bullied on facebook and these bullies are looking for a reaction from you so they can bully you some more, don't respond. To be on the safe side when you notice that you're being bullied on facebook  please
** Unfriend the person
** Block the person
** Report the account.
It's better safe than sorry.


  1. lol, they are attention seekers.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I Do Not Have A Single Problem With Cyber Bullies. I Have In Fact Developed A Thick Skin To Accommodate Their Trolls. I As A Matter Of Fact Enjoy Feeding The Trolls. Nobody Can Ever Bring Me Down With Words. I Respect Their Opinions Becuse They Are Entitled To Their Opinions, But Their Opinions Dose Not Matter.

  4. Lol@ attention seekers.

  5. Lol@ attention seekers.


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