She's only good enough for unprotected sex.

Few days after my birthday I got a message from a young girl via facebook inbox seeking my opinion because of the condition she found herself .
Read the message

Good morning ma
Happy belated birthday
Please I want to ask your opinion on something
I am 23 and I live in port Harcourt
I school in uniben and I'm going to my final year
Unfortunately I just found out I am pregnant. ...I m really tempted to take it out since its barely 5 weeks
I'm a bit confused because my whole life is right before my eyes
If he backs dad wouldn't even hear it he would outrightly disown me
I dunno how I can manage pregnancy and school
I really need ur advice aven't told the person responsible because he may think I m trying to tie him down and all‎.

After reading the message I gave her my little advise because I know the dangers of abortion and I didn't want to be a part of it, so I advised her against it and told her to inform the guy responsible to know his stand on the issue but from our discussions I found out she was afraid to tell him, she doesn't want him to see her as a desperate ‎ girl who wants to tie him down with pregnancy.  I insisted she tells him about it.
Then again a man who goes about having unprotected sex should be ready for the repercussion. To cut the long story short few days ago the young girl informed me  that she told the guy and he sent her 30k to abort the pregnancy and she has terminated it,  with my advice she called it quits with the guy. How pathetic!  

It's really amazing that at this age and time a young man goes about having unprotected sex without considering the consequences. What a shame. Shm! Maybe in his head so what if the girl gets pregnant? I'll just give her 30k or more to terminate it and I move on to the next girl. how nice!

My question to this sorry ass of a man is aside getting girls pregnant does he know that his own life is at risk? Does he know that he can contact Hiv/Aids and other sexually transmitted disease that'll just kill him and they'll use the 30k and more for his funeral? Who goes about having unprotected sex with a lady he doesn't intend to marry? While you think you're playing her, you are playing yourself because your life is at risk too. 
Then again young girls you need to be careful, because someone  buys you gifts and tells you I love you is no reason for you to open your legs wide for a man that has not paid your dowry. First of all it's a sin before God and it's dangerous to your health your life is at risk too. A man that sleeps with you without a condom, trust me he is sleeping with someone else without a condom. If you are safe is the other person safe? 

Girls please be wise.


  1. Are people still having unprotected sex in this day and era with all these warnings. Hmmmm if you are not married to him please do yourself a favour and get protection if he won't then you protect yourself with female condoms. Please I plead with you all. Life is precious.

  2. Are people still having unprotected sex in this day and era with all these warnings. Hmmmm if you are not married to him please do yourself a favour and get protection if he won't then you protect yourself with female condoms. Please I plead with you all. Life is precious.

  3. 1. Despite the far reaching awareness about protection, a lot of guys still prefer doing without, they are in a best position to tell us why.

    2. It's not about shame, its about selfishness, nothing concern the guy, he dunks in and out and moves on, I'll blame the girl for not insisting on protection. no matter how much you fear a guy because obviously the guy is older, more exposed and financially stable, always insist on a fair bargain which is protection first. its your body and whatever happens he won't be there to manage whatever crisis that crops up.


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