‎A Friend is a Friend, Regardless Of Her Marital Status.

 Should married women remain friends with
                                                     With their single friends? 
This is one question that has been bothering me for a long time. 
You see, I have noticed many women withdraw from their single friends immediately they get married. 
It is believed that a woman is expected to cut ties with her single friends once she gets married. She is expected to become friends with married women because they have a lot in common. Let me put it this way, It takes a married woman to understand a married woman. How nice! 
Married women holds the same kind of conversation. They talk about their husbands and not boyfriends, kids, keeping a career as a married woman and general home development. These type of conversations are alien to single women. 
Then again most married women feel their single friends are jealous of them, if they don't cut them off they'll destroy their homes. 
Some also feel that their single friends are incomplete ( we live in a society where it takes a man to complete a woman). 
Some even feel that they'll lose their husbands to their single friends.  
While others feel having single friends will affect them negatively,by giving them wrong counsels because single girls are free so they can do anything and get away with it.
So to have a peaceful marriage a married woman is expected to cut her single friends out of her life. #SMH 
No doubt married women have the same priorities it doesn't mean a married friends are better than a single friend

                   Check this out. 

You've been friends with  certain ladies  for a long time, you've been through thick and thin. form bonds on so many levels and boom God blessed you with a husband. Your friends were happy for you, helped you with the wedding plans, paid money for asoebi, some even made souvenirs for you, contributed money to throw you a bridal shower and boom after wedding you begin to withdraw from those friends because as we say in Nigeria "level don change".   They are single and you are married so you are not on the same page anymore. How cruel! At least wait for them to offend you before you dump them.

If some men open up today, they'll tell you that married women have caused more harm than good in their homes ‎. It might interest you to know that  most married women are bad influence on their fellow married women and not single ladies , some lure their married friends into extra marital affairs because they're indulging in it, some try to explain to their fellow married women why the money her husband gives her for upkeep is too small, homes are broken today because of the interference of another married woman. .  It might interest you to know that most married women are jealous of their fellow married women and will go to any length to destroy their homes. Bottomline some married women are bad news because of the bad counsel they give.

Don't get me wrong I'm not saying single women are saints while married women are demons. 
All I'm saying is‎ a married woman needs a friend that will be there for her through thick and thin, one who will give her good counsel, a friend that will encourage her when she's down, one who will pray for her when she needs it. It doesn't matter if that friend is single or married. 
Ps. Single girls have experiences too


  1. It Is Really A Very Small World, You Can Never Really Say Never Cos You Knew Know Who Will Light Your Candle In Your Darkest Hour, Though Their Should Be A Limit To Everything You Say And Do Together.


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