‎Make Your Weekends Count.

It's Friday, yippee!!!! The last working day of the week and it means only one thing, " Welcome Weekend ". Yep! It means the weekend is here. 

Weekends means different things to different people for some it means rest, rest, rest and more rest till monday.  
For some it means to continue office work at home so it's work, work, work and more work till monday.  
For some it's chores, chores, chores. They go grocery shopping, do laundry, cook the weeks food etc. 
For some the weekend is a time to let loose and party really hard. 

I don't know what your idea of weekend is but here are few tips for you to have fantastic weekends.  

Make time for love - Don't allow your relationship suffer because you're too busy to make out time for your partner. Texting and other form of keeping in touch is cool but nothing beats spending time together and doing fun things together. You can go to do movies, drive out of town, plan a picnic, have date night etc. 

Have a "Me" time - You spent the whole of the week doing stuffs for others, use the weekend to do a thing or two for you. Let the weekend be about you. Have time for yourself do stuffs that makes you happy learn something new, visit the gym. Just do things that'll make you happy.  

Spend Time with your kids- For the married ones nothing can take the place of your presence in the life of your kids, Use the weekends to bond more with your kids, take them to fun places, take pictures, write journals you're making memories that'll last for a long time. 

Party With friends- Go out with a friend or two and have fun. 

Visit Friends and Loved ones - Use the weekends to visit your friends and family members spend time withthem organise a little party and just have fun with friends and loved ones. 

Go shopping - yeap! Use the weekends to shop, not just grocery shopping buy  clothes, shoes bags and accessories use the weekend to bring out the fashionista ‎ in you. 

Make out Time for God- we are nothing without God it doesn't matter how busy we are we should make out time for God always but pick out a weekend and have intense fellowship with God. 

Have a wonderful weekend 


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