CHATTING........ Know When To End Chat.

Chatting has made it possible for people to keep in touch with friends and loved ones, especially those far away. Smart phones has made  chatting super exciting because many free messaging applications have been launched. Chatting is fun it helps you maintain relationship with a new friend, it helps you enjoy the presence of your friends and loved ones in their absence. So cool!
 Chatting comes in really handy when you are bored. Yippie!
Chatting online gives people the chance to be social without any form of anxiety. You're chilling all by yourself and having a good time with your phone.
 Chatting can be very addictive so you need to be careful so you don't get carried away. People gets so carried away that they don't even pay attention to the person on the other side of the phone. In as much as chatting is fun it can be boring and tiring too. Then again the person on the other side wants to get off the phone and do other things, they don't have the whole day to chat with you.
Pay attention to the person you're chatting with because most times people feel it's rude to end chat abruptly so they begin to send hints for you to understand that they want to get off the phone. 
These are few hints to know that the other  person wants to get off the phone but  first of all you have to understand  that the other person might be busy and wants to attend to other things but doesn't want to hurt your feelings.  So they begin to give the one word replies
                                                                     k, kk, lol, yeah, yep, wow, ha,ah, lmao,smh, etc.
When you begin to get the one word replies just know that the other wants to get off the phone.
Then again sometimes most people use one word replies because they lack words so to be on a safe side just tell the person on the other side something like this " it's like you're busy lets talk latter". Their response will determine if you'll continue or end the chat.

Another hint is they respond with smileys. For me responding with smileys after few hours of chatting is another hint that the other person wants to end the chat.
                                                                  instead of the regular long replies you were getting you begin to get a thumbs up, sticking out my tongue, crying, rolling on the floor smileys  as a reply . Politely end the chat, trust me the other person wants to end the chat . There's a tomorrow for another chat.

Another hint is if it takes them a long time to reply just know they are busy with something else or they are not in the mood to chat so end the chat politely.       
 I hope this helps.


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