Sometimes I ask myself these questions about women
** Why do women bring each other down?
** Why do women compete with each other?
** Why do women hate each other?
** Why do women fight each other?
because I don't understand why women don't get along, In the real sense women are meant to have each others back, help build each other up. I've heard women say things like
 " I'm not friends with too many women because of my past experience with women".
" I'm not friends with so and so because she's envious of me".
"I'm not friends with so and so because she can't keep a secret".  
"I'm not friends with so and so anymore because she's too competitive and wants to be ahead of everyone". Gosh!!!! The list is just too endless.
All women no matter their age will tell you one or more bad  experience (s) they've had with their fellow women. It really breaks my heart when women fight each other. Truth is no one understands a woman more than a woman, no one understands the pains and worries of a woman more than a woman because of life's experience, no one understands the emotional trauma of a woman more than a woman.  So why tear each other down when you can build each other up? As women we should be "Allies" instead of enemies.
It really amazes me how women hate themselves so much and don't give a shit about it. I always say that women " we are our own worse enemies".
** Some women are jealous of the accomplishments /achievements of other woman.
** Women say mean things about each others body, calling themselves names like too fat and too skinny.
** Some women purposely go after the significant other of their fellow women. 
** Some women fight over a man for no reason, these women just needs to team up and beat the hell out of the man for making a fool out of them.
** Women spread false stories about their fellow women out of envy. They betray one another for no apparent reason.
\** Women are never real with each other for what? Superiority context. Yes! One has to be superior. #SMH.
 I can just go on and on but let me just say that this has to stop.
As women we need to love ourselves regardless, yes we can be a thorn in the flesh sometimes but that is how we are wired. We just have to notice and appreciate our uniqueness. If a female friend or relative is going out of line, bring her back with love, we can't build each other up when we are fighting each other. Remember nobody understands a woman more than a woman.


  1. Anonymous5:33 PM

    chixy this is really nice I wish women will adhere to it. I must say you are impressing me.

  2. I keep wondering why we hate ourselves so much... It saddens me.

  3. Thumps up..... Super woman


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